Diary of Alice L. Jones
Sun. Aug. 23
Mostly cloudy, showers in early morn. Ev-, Winnie, Vera, and I went to church in A.M. Dad, Ev, Winnie and I went to missionary service at Litch- Cor. in eve. (15 in attendance)
Mon. Aug. 24
Nice day. Edna went back to work at Cox’s in morn.
Tues. Aug. 25
Nice day. Dad, Ben, Vera, Winnie and I went to Richmond Camp Grounds in eve. with delegation from Litchfield churches. Mr. Bracey, speaker.
Wed. Aug. 26
Nice day. Win Coffin and son called in A.M. Vera and I went up to Rideout’s in P.M. with Winnie and baby.
Thurs. Aug. 27
Good day. June and Vera went to Falls with Ben. Spent the day at Bill's.
Fri. Aug. 28
Good day. I took care of Harry in eve. while Harry and Winnie went to dentist’s. Ben, Dad, Vera, baby and I went to Litchfield Cor. in eve.
Sat. Aug. 29
Rainy day. Bill Lewis brot Edna up in P.M. Mrs. Allen over in eve.
Sun. Aug. 30
Partly cloudy. Ben, Dad, Winnie, baby and I went to Gray. Dad and I stayed for visit. Win and I went to school house in P.M. with Ella and children to hear Miss Wyeth and Miss Clark. June got thru at station.
Mon. Aug. 31
Good day. Dad and Joe went after honey. Ella, children, Dad and I went to bird farm in P.M.
Tues. Sept. 1st
Nice day. Ella, children, Dad and I went up to Ruth Goff's in P.M. Cat- and Doris went to ride with Mr. and Mrs. Bullock in eve. Big convention of of 100 financiers all over the U.S. met in 4 day session at Poland Springs.
Wed. Sept. 2nd
Good day. I walked over to Eleanor's in A.M. with the 4 kids. Joe took Ella and me to cemetery in eve.
Thurs. Sept. 3rd
Rained some. We walked up to store in eve.
Fri. Sept. 4th
Partly cloudy. Dad, Ella I and children went on picnic up to pond and up by Arnie's farm. Cat- and I went to Aunt Hat's in eve. Edna went to Harrison Curtis’ to work while they went on vacation.
Sat. Sept. 5th
Good day. Dad and Joe went being in P.M. Ella, I and children went up to store in P.M. Aunt Hat- up in eve. Malcolm fell up to Howard Verrill's and chirped a bone in his elbow.
Sun. Sept. 6th
Good day. Ben, Ev-, and June arrived in A.M. Harry went to Yarmouth with Sawyers. Ella and 3 kids, June, Eva and I went to school house in P.M. then we struck for Bowdoin.
Mon. Sept. 7th
Good day. June and I went to Stew's in eve. Bill Lewis brot Edna up in eve.
Tues. Sept. 8th
Hot day, light showers. Winnie up in A.M. Ralph called in A.M. Billy up to dinner. Malc- started going to Litchfield Academy.
Wed. Sept. 9th
Mostly cloudy. Dad, Win- and I went to Litchfield when Ev- went after June and Malc-. Ev- took them up in morn. His day off. He went to Purgatory to play in eve.
Thurs. Sept. 10
I went to Litch- in P.M. when Ben and Dad went after June and Malc.
Fri. Sept. 11
I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Sat. Sept. 12
Rained in P.M. June and I went up to Rideout’s in P.M. Bill brot Edna up.
Sun. Sept. 13
Good day. Ben and I went to church. Mr. Bracey’s last Sun. June and Edna went to Sadi’s and over on Lincoln St. Ralph called in eve. Dad, Win, and I went to Brick House in P.M.
Mon. Sept. 14
Nice day. Ed Buker called on his early in morn. Ben, Dad and I went to State election in A.M. Win up twice. I went down there. Big G.O.P. victory.
Tues. Sept. 15
Mostly cloudy. State went Republican. Roswell Briggs committed suicide by shooting at his home in Yarmouth on Monday, 14th.
Wed. Sept. 16
Good day. Win- up. Everett played at Grange hall at Litchfield.
Thurs. Sept. 17
Good day. I went to Stew’s. Ben, Dad and I went as far as Rideout’s to meet June and Mac.
Fri. Sept. 18
Cloudy, rainy eve. Kinto spent the day here. Harry Stew- cut wood for us part of day.
Sat. Sept. 19
Rainy in morn. then “faired off”. June went to falls with Ben in morn. to go to dentist’s (Dr. Reed) She and Edna came up with Ben then went over to Buker's for night. Everett played at Purgatory. Harry and Cal cut wood for us.
Sun. Sept 20
Good day. James Wagg and Lillian spend the day here. Bud and Otis came over with Edna and June in P.M. Jim Harris and grandson called in P.M. when he came after Edna. Everett worked in P.M. June and I went to Stew’s in eve.
Mon. Sept. 21
Partly cloudy. Ben took kids to Litch-. Harry cut wood for us. Bill came up in P.M. to cut wood. Ralph called in A.M.
Tues. Sept. 22
Mostly fair and warm. Ev- took kids to Litchfield. Bill went up to Lester's in eve.
Wed. Sept. 23
Partly foggy. Ev- took kids to Litchfield. Ben went as far as Harold Small’s to bring his oxen down to work a few days hauling out wood. James Wagg called in P.M. Bill rode down home with him to stay over night. Winnie up in P.M.
Thurs. Sept. 24
Foggy most of day. Billy came in morn. then went up to Lester Rideout’s to “set” his saw. Ed Buker here in P.M. to help fill out Dad’s “Old Age Asst” papers. Kinto and Winnie called in P.M. Ev- took kids to school.
Fri. Sept. 25
Mostly fair, much colder in eve. Everett took Billy to Falls in morn. (called into Worumbo) Ben took kids to Litch-. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June and I went to Harold Small’s with Winnie and boys in eve. to celebrate Helen’s and Harold Jr.’s birthdays – (13 and 6)
Sat. Sept. 26
Clear, first frost. Jimmy Harris brot Edna up in P.M. June and I went to Stew’s. Ev- played at No. Litchfield. Bill and Wm. came up in morn. to cut wood. We took them back in eve. as far as Tavern.
Sun. Sept. 27
Good day. Winnie and I went to Brick house in P.M. also Edna, June, Merton and Otis. Lewis came up in eve. after Edna. Geo. Rogers committed suicide by gas.
Mon. Sept. 28
Good day, windy. Ben and Dad hauled wood in A.M. Winnie up.
Tues. Sept. 29
Fair. Ralph here to dinner. Mrs. Lambert, Kinto and I spent the P.M. at Stewart’s. Ev- spent the eve at Ham- Douglas’ in Topsham.
Wed. Sept. 30
Fair. Winnie up in A.M. Mrs. Lambert called in P.M. Everett played at No. Litchfield.
Thurs. Oct. 1st
Rained part of day. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev-, June, and I went to Stew’s in eve. Harry and Winnie gone over to Byron Lewis’ for evening.
Fri. Oct 2nd
Good day. Gideon Wheeler came to saw wood Jennie came with him to spend the day. June home (teacher’s convention). We went to Stew’s in P.M. Harry helped saw wood. Alfred came over after oxen. Ben, June and I took Gid- and Jennie home.
Sat. Oct. 3rd
Good day. Billy and Wm. came to cut wood. Ev, Gramp and I went to Gray in eve. by Brunswick. Took Billy and Wm. home. Edna came in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. John and Ida Purdy arrived.
Sun. Oct. 4th
Nice day. Gramp, Ev-, Ella, Cat-, Doris, Roy and I went to E. Rochester in morn. Harry Mc- went to White Mts. with Sawyers. We all went up to Purvis' cottage in P.M. with Clarks and Purvises. Addie, Helen Magoon, Frank Thomas, Della and Donald, Wesley Hurd, Angie, Marilyn came up to hot dog roast on the shore. We stayed overnight at Ayer Castle. Dad stayed at Charlie’s. Cowan’s Tavern burned in P.M. Billy Risika killed at Tavern fire.
Mon. Oct. 5th
Good day. We went down to Clark’s to breakfast and got Dad and left for Gray. Got home at 11 A.M. Gid- and Harry here to dinner (sawing wood).
Tues. Oct. 6th
Good day. I went to Litchfield Fair with John and Ida Purdy, Winnie and baby in P.M. Nettie Allen out from scarlet fever quarantine
Wed. Oct. 7th
Rained part of day. Dad, Ev- and I spent the day at the Fair. Ev- and June went to Litchfield Grange Hall in eve. Katahdin Mountaineers played.
Thurs. Oct. 8th
Nice day. Kinto down in P.M. Winnie up. We called on Mrs. Lambert.
Fri. Oct. 9th
Good day. Kinto down. I went up to Coskery's in P.M. June and I went to Litchfield in eve. with Royce and Nettie Allen. Arlo Beal killed by car at Falls.
Sat. Oct. 10
Rainy day. Edna came in A.M. I went to Stew’s in the P.M.
Sun. Oct. 11
Good day. Edna and June went to Buker’s for dinner. Ben took me up to church. Student from Bates acting as pastor. Winnie and I went up to Coskery’s in P.M. Bud and Otis came over in P.M. with June and Edna.
Mon. Oct. 12
Nice day, cold, snow squalls in northern Maine. Malcolm began driving Harry’s car to Litchfield.
Tues. Oct. 13
Nice day. Ev- went to Topsham Fair in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Wed. Oct. 14
Nice day. I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Thurs. Oct. 15
Rainy day. Ev- went to Litchfield in eve.
Fri. Oct. 16
Nice warm day. Winnie up in P.M. also Kinto.
Sat. Oct. 17
Heavy rain and wind. Winnie up in P.M.
Sun. Oct. 18
Nice day. Jimmie Harris brot Edna up in morn. She, June, Merton, and Otis went over to Wheelers in P.M. Winnie, Ben, Ev-, and I went to church. Win up in P.M. Bill Lewis came up after Edna in eve.
Mon. Oct. 19
Mostly cloudy. Ralph up in A.M.
Tues. Oct. 20
Nice warm day. Ben went over to Lange lot with Ralph and Everett Small in A.M. Winnie and I went out in woods with Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Prince. June and I went over to Allen’s in eve. also Winnie and Rob.
Wed. Oct. 21
Very warm pleasant day. I went to Stew’s in A.M. Win- and I went to Allen’s in P.M. June and I and Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Prince spent the eve. at Stewarts.
Thurs. Oct. 22
Partly cloudy. Winnie and I went up to Rideout’s and Susie Small’s in P.M.
Fri. Oct. 23
Rainy day. Winnie and I called on Mrs. Allen. June and Malcolm stayed up to school until after the Junior Box Supper was over in eve. and came home with Cal.
Sat. Oct. 24
Rainy morn. then faired off. Ben, Dad, Ev-, June and I went to Augusta and Cooper’s Mills in A.M. Marsh Metcalf came up in P.M. to go hunting with Everett. Everett took Winnie, Malc, Rob and me to Rathburn’s (on Abe Strout’s place) to party. (Thatcher’s birthday) when he went to Litchfield to play. Edna came in late P.M. Jennie Clark passed away at 12.40. Ralph called in eve.
Sun. Oct. 25
Nice day. I went to church with Win-, Mac and Bob. Merton and Otis spent the day here. Winnie and I went to walk over in Dad’s pasture. Bill Lewis came after Edna in eve.
Mon. Oct. 26
Rainy day. June having week’s vacation.
Tues. Oct 27
Good day. Funeral services for Hiram Small and Jennie Clark. June went over to Jen Wheeler’s to spend the night. I went over in P.M. with Mac, Winnie, and Mrs. Allen.
Wed. Oct. 28
Good day. I went to Nell Coombs’ to spend the day when Everett went to work in morn. Ev-, June, I and the Stewarts went to box social at Wood School in eve. Margaret Beote - teacher.
Thurs. Oct. 29
Good day.
Fri. Oct. 30
Good day. Ben, Dad, June and I spent day in town. June had a permanent wave. Dad and I had dinner at Aunt Maebel's. Winnie and boys up in eve.
Sat. Oct. 31
Good day. Edna came in P.M. Ev-, June, Winnie, Mac, Bob, Edna, Mr. and Mrs. Allen and I went to Wheeler’s and Clara Allen's in eve. in costume. (All but Mr. Allen).
Sun. Nov. 1st
Cloudy. Merton and Otis over in P.M. Ben and Ev- set traps all day. Dad went in P.M. I spent P.M. at Stewart’s. Bill Lewis came up in eve. after Edna.
Mon. Nov. 2nd
Dark, rainy day. Ralph up in eve. Everett and Ben off for week.
Tues. Nov. 3rd
Showery. Dad, Ben and I went to town house to vote in A.M. Franklin Roosevelt (Democrat) won over Alfred Landon (Republican) of Kansas. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June and Mary Small stayed all night at Earle Huntington’s.
Wed. Nov. 4th
More rain, warm. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ev- went away in eve. Mrs. Lambert and Anna down. Bill Coskery went back to Mass. with them in late P.M. Ev- went to Litchfield after June. Cat- and Len opened up dry goods store in E. Rochester.
Thurs. Nov. 5th
Partly cloudy. Ben went to Falls in morn. Winnie up in P.M.
Fri. Nov. 6th
Fair. Mrs. Allen and I went to Stewart’s in P.M. Everett went to Ctr. in eve with Cal. Winnie up in eve.
Sat. Nov. 7th
Partly cloudy. Bill up in A.M. Ben and Dad went down and bot Wm.’s pullets in A.M. Ev- and Ben went to Litchfield hunting in P.M. Cal called in evening. Edna arrived in P.M. Ralph called after we retired. Jennie Clark died. (note: see Oct 24 and 27 entry??)
Sun. Nov. 8th
Mostly cloudy, little rain in early eve. Arthur Sawyer, Eleanor, Helen, Ella and 3 children and John Humphrey came for the day. Bud and Otis over. Winnie and baby up in P.M.
Mon. Nov. 9th
Good day. Ralph called in A.M. also Harry Everett.
Tues. Nov. 10
Mostly cloudy, few sprinkles in P.M. then cleared off cold in eve. Sade Rideout came down in P.M. and went to West Bowdoin with Ben and me to telephone. Ben went to work at 11.30 P.M.
Wed. Nov. 11
Good day. June and I rode to Jim Rideout’s hill with Ev- in morn. We went to Stew’s in P.M. June went to Small’s in late P.M. She and Mary went to Litchfield to practice drama. Bill up to dinner.
Thurs. Nov. 12
Good day. Ralph called in A.M. Winnie and I went up to Mrs. Coskery’s in P.M. Ben, Dad and I went to Litchfield Cor. in early eve.
Fri. Nov. 13
Good day. I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Sat. Nov. 14
Good day. Edna came in P.M. She and June went to Buker’s for week-end. Winnie, Robert and Mrs. Allen here in eve.
Sun. Nov. 15
Good day. Ben, Mac, Rob and I went to church in morn. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Merton, Otis and Lewis Young called in eve. Bill Lewis came after Edna.
Mon. Nov. 16
Cold and windy. Clark Townsend came up in early morn. to go hunting. Then they came back to breakfast.
Tues. Nov. 17
Good day. Ben went to work in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June stayed at Litchfield at Litch- all night.
Wed. Nov. 18
Few flakes during night. 12° above. Clark came in early morn. to go hunting. Ev- brot Winnie and baby up in P.M. then took them home before going to Litch- after June. Ev- and June went to Grange Hall at No. Litch- in eve. to moving picture that didn’t show.
Thurs. Nov. 19
Good day, 6° above. Mrs. Allen and I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Fri. Nov. 20
(note; No entry.)
Sat. Nov. 21
Nice warm day. Edna came up in P.M. with Ben and June. June spent day at Falls. I took care of Harry in P.M. while Winnie went to Lewiston. Temporary bridge open between Lisbon Falls and Durham.
Sun. Nov. 22
Cloudy, spit little snow in late P.M. Merton, Otis and Lewis young here to dinner. Edna and June went over to Wheeler’s in P.M. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Winnie and I went on walk out thru our back fields at Brick house, home by Quint Wilson’s camp. Ralph here to supper. Bill Lewis came in eve after Edna.
Mon. Nov. 23
Good day. Ben went to Litchfield in morn. Winnie and Rob up in eve.
Tues. Nov. 24
Snowed about ½ in. Jim Cornish butchered Dad’s pig in A.M. I went to Stew’s in late P.M. Lester called at noon.
Wed. Nov. 25
Mostly cloudy. June came home in P.M. (staying at Litch- to practice drama) Bill Lewis brot Edna up in early eve. Henry Wright and Bertha Harries married. Mary Small and Walter Lane, attendants.
Thurs. Nov. 26
Little rain and snow, cleared off colder. Edna and June went to Buker’s in A.M. Dad, Ben and I went to Gray. Royce Allen and 2 others started up country in morn.
Fri. Nov. 27
Good day. Merton and Otis came over with June in P.M. Winnie, Mac, Rob, June and I spent the eve at Mrs. Allen’s. Grace Darling, Mrs. Coffran there, also Grace Darling’s brother-in-law, Mr. Coffran.
Sat. Nov. 28
Snowed about 2 in. in late P.M. June and I went to woods in P.M. Jim Harris brot Edna up after dinner. 4° above in morn.
Sun. Nov. 29
Good day. Merton and Otis over in P.M. Winnie, Mrs. Allen, June and I walked in woods with Edna in late P.M. when she went to Falls. Bill Lewis called in eve.
Mon. Nov. 30
Squally in morn. then cleared off cold. June went to Litchfield for week. (Getting ready for drama) I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 1st
4° above. Good day.
Wed. Dec. 2nd
Snowed a little in P.M. then rained nearly all night. 13° above. Mrs. Allen and I went to Stew’s in P.M. Ralph up in eve. Geo. Sheloske and Pat Murphy hauled our wood out.
Thurs. Dec. 3rd
Warm pleasant day. Royce Allen sawed a little wood for us in A.M. He and Harry Stewart worked on our wood in P.M.
Fri. Dec. 4th
Good day. Ben, Ev- and Royce Allen finished sawing wood. I went to Stew’s in P.M. June and I went to Stew’s in eve.
Sat. Dec. 5th
Good day. Ev- took Dad, June and me to Falls in P.M. We met Edna come home with Jim Harris. She went back to Falls with us. We called at Bill’s. Ev-, Mrs. Allen, Edna, June and I went to Harold Small’s in eve. to reception for Henry Wright and wife.
Sun. Dec. 6th
Snowed a little in P.M. the rained in eve. Cal took Winnie, Rob and me to church. Win- and I went up to Rideout’s in P.M. Bill Lewis came after Edna in eve.
Mon. Dec. 7th
Cleared away much colder. Mrs. Allen sick with cold. June staying at Litchfield with Marion Stetson.
Tues. Dec. 8th
Good day, 4° above. Winnie and I spent the P.M. at Mrs. Allen’s. Ralph and Everett Small called in A.M. on their way to Lange lot. A son born to Mrs. Richard Burrill. Ralph’s station at Topsham broken into.
Wed. Dec. 9th
Mostly cloudy. Ralph and E. Small here to dinner. Dad went with them to look over lines on his place. Ralph agreed to buy. Winnie and baby up in A.M.
Thurs. Dec. 10
Few flakes of snow, rainy. Ralph here to dinner. June came home for night.
Fri. Dec. 11
Rainy part of day. Dad went to Ed Buker’s to meet Ralph Williams when Ev- went to work in P.M. Ralph brot him home. I went to Stew’s in P.M. Dad, Ben, June, Ev-, Edna, Winnie, Mrs. Allen and I went to Litch- Grange Hall to play “Call me Charlie”. Edna came up with Ben.
Sat. Dec 12
Cloudy. Edna went to Harris’ when Ben went to work in morn. and came back at night. I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Sun. Dec. 13
Fair in P.M. Ben and Dad went to store while Winnie, Rod, Mac and I went to church. Edna and June went to Buker’s. Merton and Otis spent the day here. Bill Lewis came in eve. to take Edna to Jim Harris’.
Mon. Dec. 14
Warm sunny day. Ed Buker came up in A.M. to make out a deed for Dad. Stopped to dine and went home when Ev- went to work at 1 P.M. Ralph came in P.M. to pay Dad and get deed to the old Grover farm. A woman from Old-Age pension bureau called to see Dad. Ben and Dad stayed at Topsham station with Everett in eve. while Winnie, Robert and I went to pictures at Brunswick. Mr. Holcomb from Litch- church called.
Tues. Dec. 15
Warm and pleasant, windy. Ben and Everett went to West Bowdoin in A.M. to pull in all their traps. Winnie and Rob up in eve.
Wed. Dec. 16
Warm and cloudy. James Wagg here to dinner. Walked over. Everett Small and Ralph here. (R- had dinner)
Thu. Dec. 17
Rainy in morn. then faired off. Cal took Winnie, Mac and me to Brunswick in eve. to shop.
Fri. Dec. 18
Nice Day, 12° above. Frank Curtis and Ralph here at noon (working on stable at Brick house) June came home in P.M.
Sat. Dec. 19
Cloudy. Dad, Ev-, June, Robert Stew- and I went to Lewiston. Dad had his two last teeth out at King’s then went to Butterfield’s to dinner. We all went to “Strand” in P.M. Bill Lewis came in P.M. Everett went to Litch- Grange Hall to play in eve.
Sun. Dec. 20
Heavy wind and rain. Part of temporary bridge at Falls washed away. Merton and Otis over in P.M. Mrs. Allen here in P.M. Bill Lewis came in eve. to take Edna to Falls.
Mon. Dec. 21
Mild pleasant day. Wendall Lewis from Topsham and Ralph here to dinner. Winnie up in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 22
Clear, much colder. Dad, Ev-, June and I went to Falls in A.M. June and I went to Stew’s in eve.
Wed. Dec. 23
Good day. Robert and little Harry here most of day. Winnie called up to Susie Small’s. (Susie sick) Ben and Dad went to Falls in P.M. Ralph here to dinner.
Thurs. Dec. 24
Milder, partly cloudy. Ben laid off work until Mon. June went to Christmas tree in P.M. at Wood school (Miss Beote) with Mac and Bob. Edna came up in P.M. June and I went to Allen’s and Stewart’s in eve to deliver our donations. Win- and Mac up. Had our tree at midnight after Everett came home from station. Dad went to Coskery’s in P.M.
Fri. Dec. 25
Partly cloudy, very mild. Edna and June went to Buker’s in A.M. Merton Libby brought them home in eve. Bill Lewis came up after Edna. Winnie and I went over to Mrs. Booker’s in P.M. I went to tree in Bowdoin Ctr. church in eve. with Stewarts. Snowed few flakes in eve.
Sat. Dec. 26
Dark, cloudy day. Ralph here to dinner. June went skating in P.M.
Sun. Dec. 27
Ben, June, Bob, Mac and I went to church. Merton and Otis spent the day here. Ralph here to supper.
Mon. Dec. 28
Clear, mild, blew a gale. June and I went to Stew’s in P.M.
Tues. Dec. 29
Good day. Merton called in A.M. on way home from Falls. Wm. came up to stay few days. Ben, Dad and I went to Falls in P.M. I spent eve. at Stew’s while June and boys went skating.
Wed. Dec. 30
Little rain, sleet and snow. Ralph called in A.M. Merton and Otis over in P.M. Lester Ride- down. June, Win- and I spent eve. at Allen’s. Lena and Margaret Wagg married to Keene brothers.
Thurs. Dec. 31
Foggy and wet. Ben, Dad, June, Everett and Win- went to Grange Hall at Litch- to hear Katahdin Mountaineers. Winnie and I went to church at Litchfield Plains to Watch Service. Robert Holcomb was our pastor. Ben went to Falls in morn.